So just a few short (we'll-skip-the-gory) details. So on Thursday, December 9th, we went int0the hospital, scheduled to be induced at 6am. When we heard of the two doctors that were on call for the day, there was one we're were hoping for, over the other. One of them was the man who delivered Ethan, (and we're weren't thrilled with him) and the other was a doctor that I loved! We shortly later found out that he called in sick, and that the doc coming into to take his place was Dr. Warner, another one who I LOVE! She was SO great!!! (we just feel bad that we prayed he wouldnt be there... cuz of course we never wanted him to get sick!)
The pitocin was started at around 7:45. I'm now a little upset with myself for anticipating a short delivery. I was hoping for around 3 hours, and by the time we got to 4 and half hours, I was mad at myself. But, nonetheless, she came just under 6 hours later, at 1:30pm.
I only pushed twice!!! The doctor was so impressed, she suggested (jokingly) that I consider becoming a surrogate, haha! Once again, I didnt tear at all!!! So delivery did go pretty smoothly, but it was afterwards that I had some problems. I had been passing a decent amount of clots, so they had to first take care of that, and then they also had to cath me to relieve some of that jazz as well. I had LOTS of pain afterwards, and then I was even having some chest pain. It was strange, and I even lost my breath once, where I had almost a panic attack, but I was alright, that didnt happen again. The chest pains would come with each contraction. It was weird. They finally gave me this medicine in my IV to take care of it. It made me SO loopy! The room was spinning for like an hour! It was nuts!
Again, Jacob & my mom were both a tremendous help!!! There were some interesting things we tried this time for comfort. One of them being where I was on the bed, on my knees, and leaned over onto mom & jake, who were also leaning down on the bed. It was almost humorous. Also, I asked for the mirror to be put up during delivery (like I did with both other kids), but I forgot to look at it even once!
When the "big kids" came to visit her later that night, at first, they just stared (not in fear at all, just amazement I think). It was sweet! Then right away, Ethan wanted to hold her! That surprised me. But of course after about 20 seconds, he said "all done." hehehe. Diella was very excited about meeting her new sister, but also surprisingly, at first she did not want to hold Sayda. A little while later, I told her that Sayda was waking up & opening her eyes.... and THEN Diella was ready to hold her. So for some reason, that changed things for her, and when she held her, she fell in Love!
We had a few visitors. The first night, Kayla Edwards came! And then later, Pastor Jack & Pam came too! The following day, Joel & Nichole came to visit! When we brought her home, we had a few more visitors. Courtney, Jon Hamilton, Ryan Abbot, and Jen young & her kids! Oh and also Denny & Lynn stopped by!
Well, we were thrilled of course to have our second little girl! She was born at 7 lbs. 15oz. and she was 21.5" long!!! We're home now, and she is doing so well! She woke up twice last night to eat, 2am, and 6:30am, not bad! She's just so beautiful & we're really enjoying her!