Um, not posting in 2 months, when a baby is only 8 months old, is a very bad thing! And the thing is, I only write down the things she does onto a list, without dating them (lesson learned, will fix this for met time), but so I only have estimations for WHEN each of these things took place!!! Ugh!… but here it goes…
She got her first tooth right around Diella's birthday, I believe, when she was about 6 months old. Then she got her second one only about 2 weeks after that!!! AND THEN A THIRD one about a week later! Neither of the other two kids got their first tooth until 8 months old! So now Sayda is 8 months old with 3 teeth, and hasn't gotten any since that third one. But, wow!
It was at about 7 and a half months that Sayda began to crawl! It of course started off with her getting up onto her hands & knees, and eventually she would do that, and then as she began to go forward, she'd flop to her belly. Then soon after that was when she could go from laying down, to sitting up all by herself! And then in no time was she going from sitting, to hands & knees, and then crawling! NOW, she's a little over 8 months old, and she's been pulling herself to standing for over 2 weeks now! She does it very often, and quite quickly! So she is VERY mobile! Crawls fast now, pulls herself up now, and you can see it in her eyes, she really wants to walk! The other day she was standing at the couch, with the couch to her back! ready to take off… and of course she dropped to her hands & knees… but it wont be long now!
Sayda's official first word was Dada! And yes, she says it when she sees Dada! Yay! ok, so she also sometimes says it when she sees me too, but still, haha! She basically says Mama too, but its when she's eating food, LOL! She doesn't say it TO me really, just when she's eating, haha! She also had this short little phase where she says, "doodoodoo" its SOOOO cute! I have a video of it that I will try to post! Her little lips get all puckered, in an "o" shape… and it seems she does it most when she's watching someone eat, haha!
So, speaking of eating, Sayda went to baby food at 5 months, instead of 6, like the other two kids. I just don't think nursing was enough for her, she wanted more. So by now, she's had all of the fruits, all of the vegetables, and has had some bread as well, and of course lots of rice cereal. She LOOOOVES food!!!! She just gets so excited when its time to eat! And you can just see her light up when she's snacking, and how satisfied she is after she's eaten, hehehe!
She still sleeps wonderfully at night! About 11 hours or so! Her naps during the day, at this point, are as follows: she takes about a one hour nap in the morning, after she's been awake for over two hours. And then when Diella goes down at 2 o'clock, so does Sayda, for the longer nap, 2-3 hours! She's doing great!
Sayda must love music, because if she's crying in the car, then jake will put on the Veggie Tales songs and she usually gets quiet right away! Also, she smiles SO big when mommy sings to her!!!
She has discovered the fact that she can scream. She doesn't do this when she's crying or upset, but just as means of communication. sigh* its humorous, but its SOOO loud!!!! She does it a lot when she and Diella are playing together!
Its a rare occasion, at this age, that the kids to something thats truly amusing, but a few weeks ago, in the car, she cracked me up! We were driving down to Virginia, so we were currently eating in the car. Diella and Ethan were sharing their ham. Sayda sits in between them. As Ethan went to pass a piece of ham to Diella, Sayda then, faster than you can say, "please pass the ham," reached up her little hand and snagged that thing away like it was her job! I think we ALL laughed at that!
She is growing both physically, and within her personality as well, so fast! Cant wait to see who this little angel becomes!