Two blogs in two days! How bout that! This is 35 week sonogram! Cute baby!
I went to a regular scheduled appointment today.... for Strep B test. So we did that, and then she measured the belly (it was a new doc, and I really like her!), and she said that I was measuring a tad small, and asked if I usually measured small, and I said no. She said that its probably just the position of the baby, but that she wanted me to get a sonogram just to check. She also asked, "do you want me to check your cervix, or leave ya alone?" I said, "nah, 5 more weeks to go." But then we chatted a bit, and I got curious, so I told her to go ahead and check. She said I was 1.5 cm! I asked if that was normal this early, she said yes and who knows- I could be 4 cm tomorrow!?!?! (of course not that that was the way it was looking like it was gonna be, but just that it was possible).... I was 1 cm with both Diella & Ethan, each 2 weeks before they came.... but I thought, 'hm, I wonder if I was even longer than that, we just never checked before two weeks? ...So then I also asked her if its common this early? She said, "oh yea, I had a lady the other day on like her 4th or 5th kid, and she was 6 cm for like a month before her baby came! So I'm really still not anticipating to go early, but it does just make me more in the mindset of how soon its coming up! New baby arrival is coming soon! Oh so anyway, the sonogram was good! Baby is normal, a little over 5 lbs. She said not too big and not too small, yay! All is well!
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