Sayda is 6 weeks old! How have I not written anything in that long?
Well, I've made my judgements about what I think my kids will grow up to be. Diella's I called before she even was born, a dancer (even tho now we think maybe dancer AND also CEO of some place, ha!), and Ethan I'm still thinking maybe chef, and also an intelligent one, reading books. But ANYway… Sayda!… she got her nickname in the womb, like the other kids did as well (Diella was fetus, and Ethan was tadpole), Sayda's was "Butt-kicker." So from then on I made my guess that this one would be a football player, whether male or female, haha! So really, I think she'll be some kind of athlete. And then when we found out how long she is, it confirmed it for me! Athlete it is!
I love how much you learn about a baby, so fast! Even within the first 2-3 days, you can start to tell what they do like, what they don't like, how they prefer to eat, and lay. Its awesome!
Sayda had some trouble nursing on the left side for a few weeks. It was frustrating for both of us, but she finally got it. Strange how it was only on one side, not both.
She LOVES to be on her belly! Neither of my other two kids did. It seems she takes the best naps when she's on her belly. And she needs to go on her belly after each feeding, (when she's gassy), she calms right down!
So the minute she was born, both mom & Jake said she looks identical to Diella as a baby. I thought, yea similar, but not identical. She DOES have a very different nose from Diella, but when we look at pix of D as a baby… yea, they're almost identical. Most faces Sayda makes look just like D. But she has occasions where she just looks all her own!
So she wasn't thrilled about taking a binky at first. Definitely doesn't like it as much as the other two kids did. She takes it happily now, but for quite a while we had to really encourage her to.
She is SUCH a gassy girl! She's always got either toots, burps, or hiccups. Poor chica. We had some problems with it too… not crying, or affecting her eating or anything, but just so gassy that she'd be very wiggly and a bit grunty, after every feeding. I tried to see if it was the amount of milk I was drinking (cuz i was NOT eating chocolate or broccoli), and we think that may have been the issue, but its hard to tell. She also needs her diaper changed a million times a day. I mean, I can count on one hand how many time I've changed her and there WASNT poop. Goodness, lady! But she really is doing better now!
The first few days Sayda would get the shivers. I had to always keep her in layers. Actually I still do. I mean, it IS winter, but none of my other kids ever got so chilly (ok, they weren't born in winter, I get it, hehe), but she just Loves having a blanket on all the time. It comforts her, just the weight of it I think.
She doesn't really fit in newborn size, at least nothing with feet. She'll fit into NB onesies, but not jammies. Maybe she got the tall Heinrich women gene!
She's also got cute, long toes! But almost no eyelashes…. I know thats normal for a newborn, but both other kids had/have Killer lashes! … but she DOES have great skin! Both big kids, as babies, got that zitty chin from nursing, and other small imperfections on their faces, but not Sayda! She's got clear, beautiful skin!
The first week or so, Sayda would get up twice at night to eat, and go right back to sleep, which was fine! Now its usually only once each night, and she's been sleeping about 5 hours at a time at night! The other night she did 6! During the day, she would be fine without eating for about every 3 and half hours, which is great! The past few days though, she gets hungry just Before 3 hours, Booo. But still, she's eating and sleeping very well! She's even filled out a lot! Getting those chubby cheeks and double chin, like all our babies do!
A few people have asked how Sayda got her name. Well, actually I was watching What Not To Wear, and there was a shot where they were in NYC, shopping, and there was a store called SAADA, and I thought I liked that for a girl's name, ran it by Jake, he liked it too, and walla! We have a girl's name!
Ok, so Sayda does this one thing that Diella used to do as a baby (and I think maybe Ethan too?). Even if she's just woken from a nap, whenever we are in a loud public place (the store, at church, etc.), she closes her eyes…. and whether she's actually sleeping, or still awake, closes herself off from all the commotion. D did the same thing. It's like "Woah, WHAT is all this? I'm outta here."
And two days ago, Jan 17th, Sayda showed us her first REAL smile! She was looking RIGHT at my face when she did it! And she did once last night to Papa at his house! And then once again today! YAY! Its like Ethan's smile as a baby, wide-mouthed, jaw open! SOOOO Adorable!
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