It seems as though this is only my THIRD blog about Sayda since she's been born, and she's nearly 4 months old! I always promised myself I'd never slack with keeping track of things with each kid, so I swear I will do them more often!
Well now that she's 4 months old, she's been using her legs SO well for almost a month now! She needs me to help with balance of course, but she fully supports herself standing!
Sayda likes to sometimes grab onto things to fall asleep, like the edge of the blanket, or my shirt, or even her binky at times. Once she began to burry her face into my shoulder on her way to sleep, and her hand was reaching out to grab something, and it found my bottom lip. She grasped right on, and of course I didn't wanna let her down, lol! One of those moments I wished there was a camera nearby! Another time she was laying next to me on the couch, falling asleep, and somehow she found my arm, and grabbed that with both hands & fell asleep… but this time I DID take a pic with my phone!
She also still has her arms up by her head a lot, just as she did in the womb! Even when she's awake sometimes, little fists up on either side of her head, its adorable.
She's got a little light patch in her hair, right on the top of her head. Its cute!!! She was born with dark hair, just like the other two kids, and I'm sure hers will lighten up as theirs did, but for now, she's got one chunk thats significantly lighter than the rest, and I kind hope it stays, its unique!!! Oh and also, on both of her feet, her second toe is shorter than her middle one! I think Jake's are kinda like that. She's got her daddy's feet, haha!
Ever since the beginning, Sayda has only taken to one specific kind of binky. The other two kids were really only ever given one kind, and always liked it, so maybe we just got lucky. But we had to try a few different shapes till we found one that Sayda would take. She didn't love the binky at first like the other two did… we really had to strongly encourage it for her. She loves it now tho! But only the one kind. Funny!
It was so fun to watch her when she first started to reach out for things on purpose. Like when she was placed in her chair and would touch pig, cow, and lamb! She's starting to play with things! Its exiting! hehehee
She's also starting to rub her eyes when she's tired. Love that! Its a good indication, rather than just crying & we have to Guess whats wrong!
She's SUCH a finger eater! She found those fingers & we've gotta constantly pull em away from her mouth! This makes her very drooly too. We're almost to the point where she needs to wear a bib all the time, little slobberer!
She's VERY smiley, like Ethan was! And its this big, wide-mouthed smile too! SO cute!
Sayda is also becoming quite talkative! She has the most adorable voice too! I remember she's been like this for a while now! probably even almost 2 months, I think?
Jake said the other day, and I love how he worded it, "I think she's gonna be a super advanced robot, jus like Diella was." … its a line from Transformers, and I must say, I agree! She just seems as though she'll learn fast and be advanced for her age. Cant wait to see her continue to develop!
I've been SO blessed with 3 angel babies! And if I or anyone thought that my first two were good sleepers, well then along came Sayda!! She started sleeping 7 hours at night at 7 weeks old! She has since gradually added on a hour, after every few weeks or so, and is now sleeping about 11 hours at night! My big kids hardly do that now!!! She still also takes about 3 naps during the day, a few short ones, and one longer one. She is an incredible baby!!!
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