Sayda is 5 months now! She's interacting so much, and smiling, and laughing, and playing with toys, and so many fun things!
She's very close to being able to sit up! She'll stay there for a few seconds, and then slowly fall over, but she's getting really close!
She's also ALMOST rolling over. She did it once when my mom was watching her, but it was one of those, 'she was on her belly when I walked out of the room, and on her back when I returned' kinda things. And then yesterday she rolled over on her own for the first time that I saw! But she doesn't do it consistently. Its funny, cuz I know she's ABLE, she just doesn't do it. Really close on this one though too! Both ways, So close!
She's SO drooly! Haha! And she blows raspberries a lot too! It's adorable!
She's still got a big bald spot at the back of her head, hehe, its cute, I always kiss it!
And she was starting to act hungry before she was due to eat next, so before 3 hours. Well, I was NOT going to feed her more often than every 3, so I decided I may as well start on food, to get her more full! The first day or two, I only did a little bit, to get her used to it… and of course she wasn't great at eating off a spoon yet. But even by the third day she LOVED it! She can hardly wait for the next bite! She holds her little mouth open, like a baby bird, haha! And she'll scarf a whole little bowl full of rice cereal like its nothing! hehehe. But I can also hardly get her to nurse for EIGHT minutes! I used to have to push her to go 12 or even 10! Now she goes barely longer than 5! But the solid food seems to be working. Its all good!
Oh, and she does "crunches" better than I do, hehe. From laying position, she tries to sit up & its pretty amazing! (top picture)
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